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Click On Your State Below For Local Resources

Alabama                    Indiana                    Nebraska                    South Carolina
Alaska                       Iowa                         Nevada                       South Dakota
Arizona                      Kansas                     New Hampshire         Tennessee
Arkansas                   Kentucky                  New Jersey                Texas
California                  Louisiana                  New Mexico               Utah
Colorado                   Maine                        New York                   Vermont
Connecticut              Maryland                   North Carolina          Virginia
Delaware                   Massachusetts          North Dakota            Washington
Florida                       Michigan                   Ohio                          West Virginia
Georgia                     Minnesota                  Oklahoma                 Wisconsin
Hawaii                       Mississippi                 Oregon                     Wyoming
Idaho                         Missouri                     Pennsylvania                 
Illinois                        Montana                    Rhode Island


Your state agencies are the ones who will ultimately be the ones to help children in  neglectful and abusive situations. It can be good to contact the national hotline first to talk through the issue so that when you speak to the state agency, you can articulate the problem as well as possible. 


When you click on your state, please do not be discouraged if it is not very easy to navigate the page or if you have to call them instead of texting/chatting. Depending on the state, you may have to dig around the page to find the contact information in your particular county. 


Before calling the representative, it may help if you write down the highlights of what you want to say so that you don't forget anything. Remember, there is no need to be nervous. They are there to help you!  In fact, states around the country receive nearly 4 million reported cases of reported child maltreatment according to Child Trends.

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