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Help is A Click Away

If you are a child who is experiencing neglect and/or abuse or an adult who knows of a child who is being neglected or abused, please use the numbers and links below to find help.

Mobile Phone
Call or Text 1-800-422-4453 to reach an experienced professional who will be able to speak with you in a calm and comfortable manner about your unique circumstances and what resources are available to find help.
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To chat on your desktop or an internet browser, click here.
For more information on reporting child neglect and abuse, visit the hotline website.

Abuse and neglect look different in every household. Some may live in a home where one or both parents is addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling or other substances or behaviors. This type of household often leads to children's needs not being met. Children need and deserve to be cared for and protected. Parents' addictions often get in the way of the work they are supposed to be doing for their children. Children of addicted parents often end up taking on the responsibilities of the addicted parent, such as cooking, cleaning, paying bills, making sure the household is safe and providing emotional support. This is neglect because it robs children of the only chance they have of growing up as minors without having adult responsibilities.


Other children may grow up in a single parent household. Many single parents go above and beyond what is expected of them in an effort to make their children feel as though they have everything they need. Still, other parents get wrapped up in grief regarding the events that led them to be single parents. This pre-occupation with what is negative can leave a void in the life of a growing child. 


When adults feel powerless and want to gain control of their surroundings, they often turn to physical abuse. To justify their behavior, parents often say that they were abused much worse when they were growing up then they are being abusive. Their past abuse, whether or not it actually happened, is for them to settle. Not for you to live through the pain of in your childhood. There is never any valid excuse for physical abuse and it should be reported to your state or county agency immediately.


The warped mind of some adults leads them to engage in abuse that is more than physical. According to the CDC, sex abuse occurs in 1 of 4 girls and 1 of 13 boys. People who commit sex abuse acts on children are committing the ultimate violent act. Children need to be protected at all costs. Children who have experienced abuse need trauma informed care to properly heal. If you or someone you know has experienced sex abuse, click on the link at the top of the page to talk to someone about potentially reporting the abuse. 


If you have experienced abuse or neglect in your household, talking to informed people can help you determine whether you should report the abuse or neglect and/or seek help in other ways. In addition to texting, calling or chatting with, you can also set up an appointment with your guidance counselor to discuss your individual situation. For certain children, there are support groups where you can find healing and comfort through sharing with children who have been in similar circumstances. 


Always remember that you deserve a healthy and safe environment to grow up in. 



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